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Locate California individual accountant licenses either by using the name, license number, city, or county. Information that will be found is the license type, status, expiration date, issue date, contact information, and any disciplinary actions against the holder.
Look up information for out-of-state CPAs with temporary practice and license rights in the state of California by either using the name or firm name.
Search the California accounting firms either by using the name, license number, city, or also by county.
Lookup Licensed California acupuncture licenses by name, license number, city, or county. Obtain information on the license type, status, expiration date, issue date, contact information, and any disciplinary actions against the holder.
Find licensed adoption agencies in the State of California by using the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street and/or name to obtain corresponding information, capacity, address, phone and contact person.
Obtain information for licensed adult day care facilities in the State of California by using the city, county, zip code, area code, region, program, street and the name to obtain the matching information, capacity, address, phone and information of the contact person.
Find licensed adult residential facilities in the State of California by using the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street and/or name to obtain corresponding information, capacity, address, phone and also view who to contact .
Search the licensed adult support centers in the State of California by the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street or the name to view corresponding information such as the capacity, address, phone and also who to contact.
Browse through the State of California alarm company licenses by either the business name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, and any disciplinary actions against the holder.
Lookup licensed California alarm company employees by the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, and disciplinary actions against the holder.
Browse through the State of California alarm company qualified manager licenses by name, license number, city, or county. Gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, and any disciplinary actions against holder.
Browse the State of California alcoholic beverage control licenses by either the license number, business name or address, or licensee name. Information gives type, status, original date, and expiration date of license, as well as license conditions and also the address of business.
Choose the California to use this Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council website to search for licensed appraisers in State of California.
Look through for the State of California architectural licenses by using the name, license number, address, city, county, or zip code. Information gives issue date, expiration date, and address of holder.
Browse through for State of California asbestos consultants by the last name, employer and/or city to obtain corresponding information and phone.
Search this alphabetical listing from the State of California asbestos training providers to obtain the name, city, phone and type.
View the State Bar State of California membership database for Attorneys who are registered with the bar. Browse by the name or Bar number.
Information is provided by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles. Browse through this website to search for ATV Schools in State of California which are licensed by the State of California DMV. Look up by business name, city, zip code or by license number and city.
Look through the State of California Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Licensees by name, license number, city, or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse for State of California Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Providers either by name, license number, city, and/or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Search for State of California licensed Brake & Lamp Adjusters by name, license number, city, and county.
Look through the State of California brake station licenses by either the business name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, contact information, and disciplinary actions against holder.
Browse the State of California lamp station licenses by either business name, license number, city, or county. Information that is provided is license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, contact information, and disciplinary actions against holder.
Browse the State of California for licensed auto repair dealers by either the business name, license number, city, or county. Information that is provided is license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, contact information, and disciplinary actions against the holder.
Browse the State of California for licensed smog check stations by either business name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), contact info, and disciplinary actions against the holder.
Look up in the State of California licensed Smog Technicians by using the name, license number, city, and/or county.
Search the California, Ventura County Department of Health for licensed backflow device testers.
Browse the State of California licensed Barbering Establishments by either using the business name, license number, city, and/or county.
Find in the State of California licensed Barbers by using the name, license number, city, and/or county. Information that is given includes the name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse the State of California licensed Baton training facility licenses by using the business name, license number, city, or county. It gives license type, status, expiration & issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, contact info, and disciplinary actions against holder.
Look through the State of California Baton training instructor licenses to find and locate by name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, and also any disciplinary actions against the holder.
Locate information on the California licensed Apprentice Embalmers by using individual name, business name, license number, city, and/or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and all disciplinary actions.
Browse the California licensed Cemetery Brokers by using the individual name, business name, license number, city, and/or county. Information that is provided is name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse the California Cemetery Broker Additional licenses by either the name, license number, city, and/or county. Provides the name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Lookup in California , Cemetery Brokers Branch licenses by either usiing the name license number, city, and/or county. Provides name license number, address,license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and disciplinary actions.
Locate in the State of California Cemetery Certificates of Authority by either using the name, license number, city, and/or county. Information gives the name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, also any disciplinary actions.
Look through the State of California licensed Cremated Remains Disposers by using the name, license number, city, and/or county. Information that can be found is the name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse through the State of California for licensed Crematories by using the name, license number, city, and/or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and disciplinary actions.
Browse the State of California licensed Cemetery Salespersons by either the name, license number, city, and/or county. Gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and all disciplinary actions.
View this California Department of Corporations website to locate licensed State of California Check Sellers by using the company name, license number, license type, city, state, and/or zip code.
Browse through for licensed child care centers in the State of California by the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street and name to find corresponding information, the capacity, address, phone and also the contact person.
Locate information on licensed child care centers for the mildly ill in the State of California by either zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street also the name to find all corresponding information, capacity, address, phone and the contact person.
Locate licensed school age child care centers in State of California by either the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street or name to obtain corresponding information, capacity, address, phone and who the contact person is.
Browse the State of California for licensed Chiropractic Corporations by either the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and disciplinary actions.
Locate in the State of California licensed Chiropractic Referral Services by using the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse the State of California for licensed Chiropractors by either the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
View this State of California Board of Equalization website by the permit number for State of California Cigarette tax permits.
Locate in the State of California clinical social worker licenses by using the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), contact information, and any disciplinary actions against the licensed holder.
View this State of California Department of Corporations website to obtain information for licensed Commercial Finance Lenders by either the company name, license number, license type, city, state, or zip code.
Browse for licensed community treatment facilities in the State of California by either the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street or name to obtain corresponding information, capacity, address, phone and contact person.
Information provided by the State of California HealthCare Foundation: View this website to browse their database of Congregate Living Health Facilities by either using the zip code, city, county or facility/agency name; or view a listing of all congregate living health facilities.
Browse through this State of California Department of Corporations website to search for licensed Consumer Finance Lenders by either the company name, license number, license type, city, state, or zip code.
Glance through the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs database of Registered Contact Lens Dispensers by either the business name, registration number, city, or the county.
Find information from the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs database for Out of State Contact Lens Dispensers by using the business name or registration number.
Information is provided by the State of California HealthCare Foundation. View this website to search their database of California Continuing Care Retirement Communities by either the zip code, city, county or facility/agency name; or view a list of all CCRCs.
Look through the State of California continuing education provider licenses by either name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), contact info, and disciplinary actions against holder.
Look up in the State of California for Asbestos Registrants by either their registration number, CSLB license number, employer, DBA, city or area code to obtain corresponding informstion, address, phone, fax and any license details.
Find in the State of California Licensed Contractors by using the business name. Provides information such as the business contact informstion, license issue & expiration date, association & disassociation date, classifications, contractor bonding information, workers compensation information, and the license status.
Find in the State of California Licensed Contractors by license number. Information gives business contact information, license issue & expiration date, association & disassociation date, classifications, contractor bonding information, workers compensation information, and the license status.
View licensed Contractors in the State of California by contractor, manager, partner, or officer. Information gives business contact information, dates of license issue, expiration, association, & disassociation, classifications, bonding information, workers comp information, and the license status.
Browse the State of California Cosmetology for licenses by name, license number, city, and/or county. Information gives name, license number, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and all disciplinary actions.
Look up in the State of California licensed Cosmetology Establishments by using the name, license number, city, and/or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
View licensed State of California marriage, family and child counselor referral services by the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration & issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), contact information, & disciplinary actions
View the State of California Certified Shorthand Court Reporter licenses by either the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Look through this State of California Department of Consumer Affairs website to search for licensed California Certified Public Accountants, CPA firms, or look for out-of-state licensees with temporary State of California practice rights.
Locate in the State of California Crane Certifiers by accreditation number, city, county, state, area code or crane type to view corresponding information, address, phone, fax, e-mail or by the website.
Information is provided by the State of California Department of Social Services. Look up in the California Licensed Daycare Centers by the facility name, county, or zip code.
You can also use the State of California Department of Corporations service to find licensed State of California Deferred Deposit Originators by company name, license type, license number, state, city, and/or zip code.
Look for additional dental office licenses in the State of California by city, license number, name, or county. You can also find license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), contact information, and disciplinary actions against the holder.
Look for California licensed Dental Assistants or Hygienists by name, license number, city, and/or county. You can find name, license number, status, address, license expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse the State of California conscious sedation permit by name, license number, county, or city. You can look for status, license type, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), & disciplinary actions against holder.
Search for the State of California dental licenses by name, license number, county, or city. You can also find license type, status, expiration dates, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), contact information, and disciplinary actions against any holder.
You can search for State of California fictitious name licenses by business name, license number, city, or county. Gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), and any disciplinary actions that are against a holder.
Search for State of California general anesthesia licenses by name, license number, county, or city. Gives status, license type, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), and disciplinary actions against the holder.
Search for State of California oral and maxillofacial surgery permits by name, license number, county, or city. It will find their license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), and disciplinary actions against the holder.
Search for State of California registered provider licenses by name, license number, city, or county. Gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), and disciplinary actions against holder.
Search the State of California special dental permits by name, license number, city, or county. It will give you their license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), and disciplinary actions against holder.
Provided by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles. You can use this service to search for Driving Schools in the State of California, which are licensed by the State of California DMV. You can easily find these licensed driving schools by city, business name, zip code, or by the license number.
You can find State of California educational psychologist licenses by name, license number, county, or city. Gives status, license type, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), contact info, and disciplinary actions against the holder.
Search the American Electrology Association's member directory by address, name or city. Find contact information for electrologists in State of California.
Browse the State of California electronic service and repair dealer licenses by business name, license number, county, or city. Gives license type, status, expiration and issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, contact information, and disciplinary actions.
You can easily browse the State of California service contract seller or administrator licenses, by business name, license number, city, or county. Gives license type, status, expiration & issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, contact info, & disciplinary actions.
You can search the State of California for professional engineering licenses by name, license number, city, or county. Gives status, license type, expiration date, contact information, & disciplinary actions against the holder.
You can browse the State of California Department of Corporations database by name or date of order, for disciplinary actions against employees of escrow agents from January 1, 1991, to the present.
Browse through the State of California Department of Corporations service to search for licensed State of California Escrow Companies (main or branch). You can use the company name, license number, license type, city, state, and/or zip code.
You can easily search the State of California Board of Equalization service. You can use the permit number to "determine if a vendor of covered electronic devices (CEDs), is registered to collect and remit the electronic waste recycling fee."
Browse the State of California Agricultural Exporters lists of wholesalers, growers, packers, processors, brokers and trading companies that have established themselves as suppliers of agricultural products to overseas customers.
Search for licensed large family child care homes in State of California. You can do this by using the zip code, city, county, area code, region, program, or street. or you can use the name to view corresponding info, capacity, address, phone and contact person.
You can search for State of California farm labor contractors by license number, name, address, P.O. box, city, state, zip or expiration date to view corresponding info; and also link to a map.
Search the State of California Department of Corporations service to search for licensed State of California Finance Lenders by using company name, license number, license type, state, city, and/or zip code.
You can use the State of California financial service company license by company name or license number. Gives license issue date, status, and type, as well as contact information for business.
You can look for State of California Security & Investigative firearm permits by using name, license number, county, or city. Gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, and disciplinary actions against the holders.
You can easily search for State of California firearm training facility licenses by business name, license number, city, or county. Gives license type, status, expiration or issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, contact info, and disciplinary actions against holder.
Look for State of California firearm training instructor licenses by name, license number, city, or county. Gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, and disciplinary actions against a holder.
You can look for foreclosure consultants provided by the State of California Attorney General.
You can search for licensed foster family agencies in State of California by city, zip, county, area code, region, program, street & name to view corresponding info, capacity, address, phone and contact person.
Look for licensed foster family sub-agencies in State of California by zip, city, area code, county, region, program, street and/or name to view corresponding info, capacity, address, phone and contact person.
You can browse the State of California licensed Apprentice Embalmers by individual name, business name, license number, city, and/or county. It will give name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
You can search for State of California licensed Embalmers by name, license number, city, & county. It will give name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and disciplinary actions.
Browse the State of California licensed Funeral Directors by name, license number, city, and/or county. Gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.

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