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Select California as the "Issue" state for information on the last residence or last benefit. Information can be found by searching through tthe Social Security death index for California deaths.
Obtain in California , information for births, deaths, marriages, baptisms, military status, mission records, and also the occupations. Information is for the years 1769 and 1850.
Locate California death records from the years 1940 to 1997 by either using the name, birth place or year, death place or year, gender, mother's maiden name, or father's last name.
Locate records from the website RootsWeb. By either using the county or name for deaths recorded in California before the year 1905.
Information is provided by the Los Angeles Times. This listing is of members of the military that are from the State of California who passed away while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Locate California individual accountant licenses either by using the name, license number, city, or county. Information that will be found is the license type, status, expiration date, issue date, contact information, and any disciplinary actions against the holder.
Look up information for out-of-state CPAs with temporary practice and license rights in the state of California by either using the name or firm name.
Search the California accounting firms either by using the name, license number, city, or also by county.
Lookup Licensed California acupuncture licenses by name, license number, city, or county. Obtain information on the license type, status, expiration date, issue date, contact information, and any disciplinary actions against the holder.
Find licensed adoption agencies in the State of California by using the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street and/or name to obtain corresponding information, capacity, address, phone and contact person.
Obtain information for licensed adult day care facilities in the State of California by using the city, county, zip code, area code, region, program, street and the name to obtain the matching information, capacity, address, phone and information of the contact person.
Find licensed adult residential facilities in the State of California by using the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street and/or name to obtain corresponding information, capacity, address, phone and also view who to contact .
Search the licensed adult support centers in the State of California by the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street or the name to view corresponding information such as the capacity, address, phone and also who to contact.
Look through the Alameda County, State of California general civil, family law, and probate listing by case number.
Browse through Alameda County, State of California General Civil, Family Law, and Probate court calendars in 30 day intervals.
Obtain information by using this website to search by either the case number for summaries of General Civil, Family Law and Probate cases in Alameda County Courts.
Browse by the name for General Civil, Criminal, Traffic, Family Law, and Probate court dates in Alameda County, State of California.
Obtain information from the Alameda County, State of California General Civil, Criminal, Traffic, Family Law, and Probate court dates by using the name.
Obtain information by the court location and date for Alameda County, State of California court calendars. Information that is given for General Civil, Family Law and Probate cases.
Browse the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society for cemetery and burial records for the Eastern portion of Alameda County, California.
Look through the Alameda County, State of California property values and tax information by either the parcel number or address. It gives land value, building value, improvements, description, use code, and various tax information for the previous year.
Look through the California , Alameda County Property Tax Information by using the parcel number or address. Information provided includes Ad Valorum Tax, special charges, penalties, and the date paid.
Browse the California, Alameda County Clerk-Recorder's records for Recorded Documents (deeds, mortgages, liens, etc.) by using the name, date range, instrument #, book/page, and/or document type.
Look through this CourthouseDirect fee-based website to search for Alameda County recorded documents (deeds, mortgages, liens, etc.) by name, sub-search term, and/or date.
Browse through the State of California alarm company licenses by either the business name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, and any disciplinary actions against the holder.
Lookup licensed California alarm company employees by the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, and disciplinary actions against the holder.
Browse through the State of California alarm company qualified manager licenses by name, license number, city, or county. Gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, and any disciplinary actions against holder.
Browse the State of California alcoholic beverage control licenses by either the license number, business name or address, or licensee name. Information gives type, status, original date, and expiration date of license, as well as license conditions and also the address of business.
Look through the Alpine County, State of California birth index. Information can be found by name, birth date or mother's last name.
Look through this Superior Court State of California, County of Amador website by the date for currently scheduled court cases.
Search the Amador County, State of California Superior Court website by the year for tentative rulings.
Search this database by the name for Amador County, State of California deaths prior to the year 1905.
Information is provided by Amador County, State of California Assessor. Locate by fee the parcel or assessment number for property assessment information.
Look through the Amador County, State of California Assessor maps byusing the APN.
Look through the Amador County, State of California GIS Maps for county parcel information. There is other maps located at this website include zoning, general plan, and private roads & city streets. Information requires that you have GIS viewer to be downloaded.
View the Amador County, State of California Treasurer's property tax records by either the address or assessment number.
Look through to find information for recorded/official documents in Amador County, State of California by grantor/grantee name, date, document type/recording date, or year and document #. It works best in Internet Explorer.
Lookup this Geographic Information System from Anaheim, State of California to locate parcel information by using the parcel number, address, intersection, or landmark and view interactive maps.
View this Geographic Information System from Antioch, State of California to locate parcel information by parcel number or by the address and also observe interactive maps.
Choose the California to use this Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council website to search for licensed appraisers in State of California.
Look through for the State of California architectural licenses by using the name, license number, address, city, county, or zip code. Information gives issue date, expiration date, and address of holder.
Browse through for State of California asbestos consultants by the last name, employer and/or city to obtain corresponding information and phone.
Search this alphabetical listing from the State of California asbestos training providers to obtain the name, city, phone and type.
View the State Bar State of California membership database for Attorneys who are registered with the bar. Browse by the name or Bar number.
Information is provided by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles. Browse through this website to search for ATV Schools in State of California which are licensed by the State of California DMV. Look up by business name, city, zip code or by license number and city.
Look through the State of California Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Licensees by name, license number, city, or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse for State of California Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Providers either by name, license number, city, and/or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Search for State of California licensed Brake & Lamp Adjusters by name, license number, city, and county.
Look through the State of California brake station licenses by either the business name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, contact information, and disciplinary actions against holder.
Browse the State of California lamp station licenses by either business name, license number, city, or county. Information that is provided is license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, contact information, and disciplinary actions against holder.
Browse the State of California for licensed auto repair dealers by either the business name, license number, city, or county. Information that is provided is license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, contact information, and disciplinary actions against the holder.
Browse the State of California for licensed smog check stations by either business name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), contact info, and disciplinary actions against the holder.
Look up in the State of California licensed Smog Technicians by using the name, license number, city, and/or county.
Search the California, Ventura County Department of Health for licensed backflow device testers.
Browse the State of California licensed Barbering Establishments by either using the business name, license number, city, and/or county.
Find in the State of California licensed Barbers by using the name, license number, city, and/or county. Information that is given includes the name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse the State of California licensed Baton training facility licenses by using the business name, license number, city, or county. It gives license type, status, expiration & issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, contact info, and disciplinary actions against holder.
Look through the State of California Baton training instructor licenses to find and locate by name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, business owner(s), related licenses, and also any disciplinary actions against the holder.
Locate by using this Geographic Information System from Beaumont, State of California to locate parcel information by using the APN or address and also can view interactive maps.
Look through the Solano County Genealogical Society database of Passalacqua that is located in the Benicia, State of California for Funeral Home Records by using the name. Information covers records for the period 1914 through 2000.
Look through the Solano County Genealogical Society's collection of funeral home records from the Passalacqua Funeral Home in Benicia, State of California.
Gather information from the Superior Court of State of California, County of Butte . You can use the case management website for court calendars by and to find by department and/or date.
Look through the Superior Court State of California, County of Butte Case Index for civil, family, law, criminal, and traffic court cases.
View the database by using the name for Butte County, State of California deaths that occured prior to the year 1905.
Search the CAGenWeb database by name for deaths in that occured in Butte County, State of California between the years 1854-1897. This website is still being updated and currently has a list of surnames that begin with letters A-R.
Look through the Butte County, State of California Treasurer-Tax Collector website to search for property tax information by the address, assessment, or fee parcel and also may pay your taxes online.
Look up recorded also official documents in Butte County, State of California. Locate by using name and date range, or by document number.
Locate information using the CAGenWeb database for births for the years 1854-1897 in Butte County, State of California. This website is still being updated.
Use the RootsWebs database for Calaveras County, State of California Cemetery records by name to find information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and also the state.
Select "Court Calendar" to find the Superior Court State of California, Calaveras County Case Management website for daily court calendars by day and time.
Visit the Rootsweb website to search by name for Calaveras County, State of California deaths that has been recorded before the year 1905.
Locate property records in Calaveras County, California by using the parcel number or address and also view interactive GIS maps.
Locate information on the California licensed Apprentice Embalmers by using individual name, business name, license number, city, and/or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and all disciplinary actions.
Browse the California licensed Cemetery Brokers by using the individual name, business name, license number, city, and/or county. Information that is provided is name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse the California Cemetery Broker Additional licenses by either the name, license number, city, and/or county. Provides the name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Lookup in California , Cemetery Brokers Branch licenses by either usiing the name license number, city, and/or county. Provides name license number, address,license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and disciplinary actions.
Locate in the State of California Cemetery Certificates of Authority by either using the name, license number, city, and/or county. Information gives the name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, also any disciplinary actions.
Look through the State of California licensed Cremated Remains Disposers by using the name, license number, city, and/or county. Information that can be found is the name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse through the State of California for licensed Crematories by using the name, license number, city, and/or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and disciplinary actions.
Browse the State of California licensed Cemetery Salespersons by either the name, license number, city, and/or county. Gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and all disciplinary actions.
View this California Department of Corporations website to locate licensed State of California Check Sellers by using the company name, license number, license type, city, state, and/or zip code.
Browse through for licensed child care centers in the State of California by the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street and name to find corresponding information, the capacity, address, phone and also the contact person.
Locate information on licensed child care centers for the mildly ill in the State of California by either zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street also the name to find all corresponding information, capacity, address, phone and the contact person.
Locate licensed school age child care centers in State of California by either the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street or name to obtain corresponding information, capacity, address, phone and who the contact person is.
Browse the State of California for licensed Chiropractic Corporations by either the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and disciplinary actions.
Locate in the State of California licensed Chiropractic Referral Services by using the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
Browse the State of California for licensed Chiropractors by either the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives name, license number, address, license type, status, expiration date, issue date, and any disciplinary actions.
View this State of California Board of Equalization website by the permit number for State of California Cigarette tax permits.
Locate in the State of California clinical social worker licenses by using the name, license number, city, or county. Information gives license type, status, expiration date, issue date, related licenses, business owner(s), contact information, and any disciplinary actions against the licensed holder.
Select the "Department Calendar" to view this Superior Court State of California, County of Colusa website for weekly court information that is organized by day and time.
Look through the Colusa County, State of California civil, criminal, and family law cases by using the name number, date, or the case type.
View database to locate information by name for Colusa County, State of California deaths that occurred prior to 1905.
Locate information in Colusa County, State of California Family Court for divorce records by name number, or date.
View this State of California Department of Corporations website to obtain information for licensed Commercial Finance Lenders by either the company name, license number, license type, city, state, or zip code.
Browse for licensed community treatment facilities in the State of California by either the zip, city, county, area code, region, program, street or name to obtain corresponding information, capacity, address, phone and contact person.
Information provided by the State of California HealthCare Foundation: View this website to browse their database of Congregate Living Health Facilities by either using the zip code, city, county or facility/agency name; or view a listing of all congregate living health facilities.
Browse through this State of California Department of Corporations website to search for licensed Consumer Finance Lenders by either the company name, license number, license type, city, state, or zip code.
Glance through the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs database of Registered Contact Lens Dispensers by either the business name, registration number, city, or the county.
Find information from the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs database for Out of State Contact Lens Dispensers by using the business name or registration number.
Information is provided by the State of California HealthCare Foundation. View this website to search their database of California Continuing Care Retirement Communities by either the zip code, city, county or facility/agency name; or view a list of all CCRCs.

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