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Total Record(s) Found: 22
Browse the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society for cemetery and burial records for the Eastern portion of Alameda County, California.
Use the RootsWebs database for Calaveras County, State of California Cemetery records by name to find information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and also the state.
You can browse the RootsWebs database of Marin County, State of California cemetery records, by name to view information.This includes name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
You can easily search the RootsWeb's database of Orange County, State of California cemetery records. Do this by name to view information including name, birth and death dates, cemetery, county, and state.
Browse the RootsWebs database of Placer County, State of California cemetery records.You can do this by using their name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Browse RootsWeb's database of Riverside County, State of California cemetery records. Search by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
You can browse the RootsWeb's database of Sacramento County, State of California cemetery records. Search by name to view information; including name, birth dates, death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Browse the RootsWeb's database of San Diego County, State of California cemetery records. You can search by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Browse RootsWeb's database of San Mateo County, State of California cemetery records by name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Search Shasta county, State of California cemeteries. Includes cemetery records for each, with name of deceased, date of birth & death, and other comments.
Contains over 12,000 entries. Some column headings have the Surname, Given Name, Cemetery, and Pages Where This Cemetery is Found
You can look at the database of Stanislaus Count, State of California cemetery records by name and location to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Click on "Cemeteries" to use the service to look for cemeteries in Yuba County, State of California. It provides name, birth and death dates, grave location and picture, where available.
You should search the RootsWeb's database of San Diego County, State of California cemetery records. You can search or look for by name to all look at information including name, birth and death dates, cemetery, county, and state.
You can easily brows RootsWeb's database of Sacramento County, State of California cemetery records. Do this by name to view information including name, birth dates, death dates, cemetery, county, and state.
Browse the RootsWeb's database of Riverside County, State of California cemetery records. Use the name to view information including name, birth & death dates, cemetery, county and state.
Browse the RootsWebs database of Marin County, State of California cemetery records by name to look at information including name, birth dates, death dates, cemetery, county and state.
You can look through this database of Merced County, State of California cemetery records. Search by name and location to view information including name, birth date, death dates, cemetery, county, and state.
You can browse the RootsWeb's database of Orange County, State of California cemetery records. Search by name to view information including name, birth dates, death dates, cemetery, county, or state.
Look forr RootsWeb's database of Sacramento County, State of California cemetery records. Do this by name to view information including name, birth dates, death dates, cemetery, county or state.
Search the State of California GenWeb Project index of cemetery records, and transcriptions by cemeterys or name.
Click on "Cemeteries", to use the service to look for cemeteries in Yuba County, State of California. It also provides name, birth dates, death dates, grave location and picture where available.